Types of light 🤔

                               Types of light

        In our entire solar system only sun emits light. Really strong intense light or radiation called electromagnetic radiation or EMR.The radiation is called electromagnetic because it contains both electric and magnetic property. EMR is a large family consisting of seven members known as electromagnetic spectrum. One particular family member which lies in the middle of spectrum falls on earth and which are eye detect are called visible light or visible spectrum. It is so small that if we consider entire electromagnetic spectrum to be around 2500 miles the visible fraction is just 1 inch. It is within this inch that we live world of natural and extraordinary high different color. The other type of electromagnetic radiation are also called light but not visible light. So automatically they are considered as to be invisible light.
        Electromagnetic waves are classified according to their frequency. The different types of waves have different uses and functions in our everyday lives.

Radio waves:-

        Radio waves have the longest wavelength of all the electromagnetic waves. They range from around a foot long to several miles long.It uses to transmit data and have been used for all sorts of applications including radio,satellites,radar and computer networks.


       Microwaves are shorter than radio waves with wavelengths measured in centimeter. We use microwaves to cook food, transmit information and in radar that helps to predict the weather. Due to their higher frequency, microwaves can penetrate obstacles that interfere with radio waves such as clouds, smoke and rain.

Infrared waves (Invisible heat):-

      Infrared waves are in the lower middle range of frequencies in the EM spectrum, between microwaves from a few millimeter down to microscopic lengths.IR use for cooking food in microwaves. It also use for heat therapy for leave axe and pains. The reptiles like snake view the surrounding through IR radiations, just like we human do the same through visible light.

Visible light:-

     We have earlier seen how visible light makes the world visible to us and makes color to our life.So this part of light is associated with various type of light fixers. Apart from we human, animals like cat, dog, mice, monkey, etc also seen the visible spectrum through their sight is not as good as us.

Ultraviolet radiation:-

    The uses of ultraviolet radiations are also wide spread as various aspect of life. UV is use in medical industry, water purifier for protects of harmful bacteria. It is also use by dentist for teeth filling and by bank to detect fake currency notes by observing certain symbols of patterns of the notes, which are only visible by ultraviolet light. Certain organisms like insects form an image of their entire surrounding by using only ultraviolet radiation.


    X-ray is use in medical industry to examine the state of bone of foreign objects in the body. It is also use by hypo security to scan luggage for protect dangerous object.

Gamma ray:-

    It is the type of ray with low wavelength and highest energy. It is the exact opposite of radio waves. They are emits radio active material during nuclear explosion and during certain types of thunder storms. They are also use for kill cancer cells for medical insecurity scanning and also in space for astronomical observations.



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