Why ambulance have different siren sounds?
Doppler Effect with Ambulance Sound
Lets imagine you are walking with a little crowed road.Suddenly, you hear the distant wail of a siren of an ambulance.The siren of ambulance sounds with a high pitch and louder as it approaches towards you.And when it moves away from you the sound is less pitch. This effect of the sound is due to the Doppler Effect.
Doppler effect refers to the change in wave frequency during the relative motion between a wave source.It was discovered by Christian Johann Doppler.It works on both light and sound objects.For instant, when a sound object moves towards you, the frequency of the sound waves increases, leading to a higher pitch. Conversely, if it moves away from you ,the frequency of the sound waves decreases and the pitch comes down. The drop in pitch of ambulance sirens as they pass and the shift in red light are common examples of the Doppler effect.
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